%0 Journal Article %T 安徽省产业关联效应测度及比较研究——基于投入产出表结构分解
Measurement and Comparative Study on the Industrial Correlation Effect in Anhui Province—Based on the Structural Decomposition of the Input-Output Table %A 鲁学超 %J Finance %P 36-45 %@ 2161-0975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/FIN.2024.141006 %X 本文采用投入产出模型的结构分解技术,通过测度乘数效应、反馈效应和溢出效应来分析2017年安徽省的投入产出表中的42个产业的关联效应,并与2017年中国、上海的相关产业关联效应进行对比。研究结果发现,产业之间的关联作用是促进安徽经济增长最关键的力量,但是产业关联性还是低于上海的水平,略微高于全国水平,这是导致安徽的经济发展落后于上海的重要因素。因此优化安徽省各个产业间的关联效应,加强产业的融合发展,同时提升产业的自身发展能力,是推动产业转型的根本,是实现安徽经济发展高质量的重要路径。
This article uses the structural decomposition technique of the input-output model to analyze the correlation effects of 42 industries in the input-output table of Anhui Province in 2017 by measuring multiplier effects, feedback effects, and spillover effects, and compares them with the correlation effects of related industries in China and Shanghai in 2017. The research results found that the correlation between industries is the most crucial force in promoting Anhui’s economic growth, but the industrial correlation is still lower than the level of Shanghai and slightly higher than the na-tional level, which is an important factor leading to Anhui’s economic development lagging behind Shanghai. Therefore, optimizing the correlation effect between various industries in Anhui Province, strengthening the integrated development of industries, and enhancing the self-development ability of industries are the fundamental driving force for industrial transformation and an im-portant path to achieve high-quality economic development in Anhui. %K 产业关联,乘数效应,反馈效应,溢出效应,投入产出表
Industrial Correlation %K Multiplier Effect %K Feedback Effect %K Spillover Effect %K Input-Output Table %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78724