%0 Journal Article %T 指向数学学科核心素养在“二面角的概念”中的应用
Pointing to the Application of Core Competencies in Mathematics in “The Concept of Dihedral Angles” %A 费依婷 %J Pure Mathematics %P 184-188 %@ 2160-7605 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/PM.2024.141020 %X 本文以“二面角的概念”教学设计为例,通过选择实例–动手操作–说明原理–总结结论等教学环节,体现了“做中学,学中做”、“学生主体,教师主导”的教学理念,真正地将数学抽象、直观想象、逻辑推理等数学核心素养的培养落实到课堂教学中。
This article takes “The Concept of Dihedral Angle” mathematics teaching design as an example, and implements the cultivation of core mathematical qualities such as mathematical abstraction, intuitive imagination, and logical reasoning through the selection of examples- hands-on operations - explanation of principles - summarizing conclusions and other teaching links. %K 二面角,数学核心素养
Dihedral Angle %K Core Mathematical Literacy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79921