%0 Journal Article %T 浅谈高等数学中的神奇常数
A Brief Discussion on Magic Constants in Advanced Mathematics %A 徐建 %J Pure Mathematics %P 235-240 %@ 2160-7605 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/PM.2024.141025 %X 在高等数学中,e和π是两个非常重要的常数。在高等数学的课程当中,包含很多关于这两个常数的内容,也有很多漂亮的结果。本文介绍一些通常的高等数学教材中不太涉及但又非常重要的关于e和π的一些结果。
In advanced mathematics, e and π are two very important constants. In advanced mathematics courses, there is a lot of content about these two constants, and there are many beautiful results. This article introduces some results about e and π that are not commonly covered in higher mathematics textbooks but are very important. %K 高等数学,无理数,悬链线,微积分
Advanced Mathematics %K Irrational Numbers %K Catenary %K Calculus %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79927