%0 Journal Article %T 信息技术融入高职思政课教学的路径研究
Research on the Path of Integrating Information Technology into the Teaching of Ideological and Political Courses in Higher Vocational Education %A 申娇娣 %J Vocational Education %P 257-261 %@ 2160-4401 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/VE.2024.131042 %X 信息技术对教育领域带来划时代变革,其核心目标是通过优化整合优质教育资源,显著提高教学效率以及教育成果质量。将先进的信息技术与高职院校的思想政治教育课程相结合,不仅与社会进步的潮流相符,更与学生的成长需求相契合,从而有力推进思想政治教育课程育人目标的实现。为真正实现信息技术与思政课程的深度整合,学校应积极创造有利平台与教育环境。其中的关键是培养一支具备学习能力、服务意识和创新思维的“匠人”型教师队伍,不仅要熟练掌握信息技术的运用,还要在教学方法上不断创新,确保教育与技术能够相互融合,发挥最大整体效应。
Information technology has brought revolutionary changes to the field of education, with the core goal of significantly improving teaching efficiency and educational outcomes by optimizing and integrating high-quality educational resources. Integrating advanced information technology with ideological and political education courses in vocational colleges not only aligns with the trend of social progress, but also aligns with the growth needs of students, thus effectively promoting the achievement of the educational goals of ideological and political education courses. To truly achieve the deep integration of information technology and ideological and political courses, schools should actively create favorable platforms and educational environments. The key is to cultivate a team of “artisan” teachers with learning ability, service awareness, and innovative thinking. They not only need to master the application of information technology profi-ciently, but also constantly innovate in teaching methods to ensure that education and technology can integrate and maximize the overall effect. %K 信息技术,高职思政课,教学路径
Information Technology %K Higher Vocational Ideological and Political Courses %K Teaching Path %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79971