%0 Journal Article %T 高职院校教学研究的路径与支撑体系建设研究
Research on the Path and Support System Construction of Teaching and Research in Higher Vocational Colleges %A 姜国强 %A 徐峰 %A 林钰珍 %A 姚彬启 %J Vocational Education %P 273-279 %@ 2160-4401 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/VE.2024.131045 %X 本文旨在探讨加强职业院校教学研究,提升技能人才培养质量的有效途径。首先,强调教学研究在培养高素质技术技能人才、提高教学质量、促进教师专业化发展等方面的重要性。其次,明确了职业院校教学研究的关键重点,包括研究学生学习特点、人才培养方案、教学常规管理以及教学方法改革。最后,提出构建支持体系的建议,如建设教学研究平台、加强师资队伍建设、加大研究项目支持、建立评价机制等,以推动职业院校教学研究的深入开展。
This article aims to explore effective approaches to strengthen teaching research in vocational colleges and enhance the quality of skills training. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of teaching research in cultivating high-quality technical and skilled talents, improving teaching quality, and promoting the professional development of teachers. Secondly, it specifies key focuses of teaching research in vocational colleges, including studying students’ learning characteristics, developing talent cultivation programs, researching teaching routine management, and reforming teaching methods. Finally, recommendations for building a supportive system are proposed, such as establishing a teaching research platform, enhancing teacher training, increasing research project support, and implementing evaluation mechanisms, to facilitate the in-depth development of teaching research in vocational colleges. %K 职业院校,教学研究,人才培养,教学质量,专业化发展
Vocational College %K Teaching Research %K Talent Cultivation %K Teaching Quality %K Professional Development %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79982