%0 Journal Article %T A PID Tuning Approach for Inertial Systems Performance Optimization %A Irina Cojuhari %J Applied Mathematics %P 96-107 %@ 2152-7393 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/am.2024.151008 %X In the practice of control the industrial processes, proportional-integral-derivative controller remains pivotal due to its simple structure and system performance-oriented tuning process. In this paper are presented two approaches for synthesis the proportional-integral-derivative controller to the models of objects with inertia, that offer the procedure of system performance optimization based on maximum stability degree criterion. The proposed algorithms of system performance optimization were elaborated for model of objects with inertia second and third order and offer simple analytical expressions for tuning the PID controller. Validation and verification are conducted through computer simulations using MATLAB, demonstrating successful performance optimization and showcasing the effectiveness PID controllers¡¯ tuning. The proposed approaches contribute insights to the field of control, offering a pathway for optimizing the performance of second and third-order inertial systems through robust controller synthesis. %K PID Control Algorithm %K Inertial Systems %K System Performance Optimization %K Maximum Stability Degree %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130845