%0 Journal Article %T Gold Mineralisation in the Intiédougou Prospect (Diébougou District) in Southwest Burkina Faso, West African Craton %A Yao Honor¨¦ Koffi %A Wendkouni Passecd¨¦ Pauline Zongo %A Nanema Mathieu %A Urbain Wenmenga %J Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering %P 63-77 %@ 2327-4085 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jmmce.2024.121005 %X The Inti¨¦dougou located in the Hound¨¦ Birimian greenstone belt has been the subject of several mining and geoscience studies that have led to the discovery of mineralized gold targets. One of these mineralized targets has prompted work that raises the issue of control factors for the gold mineralization of the prospect. The methodology used in this study combines a study of core drill hole data located in the area and laboratory studies. The Inti¨¦dougou sector is based on andesito-basaltic, andesitic interstratified volcanoclastite rocks and Tarkwaïen type detrital sedimentary rocks caught in a vice in the volcano-sedimentary unit. Lithostructural analysis of the sector shows that the subvolcanic rocks bearing gold mineralization are subjected to heterogeneous ductile to brittle deformations and affected by hydrothermalism evolving at stages marked by large fissure fillings. These hydrothermal phases evolve in the zones of expansion created by the brittle deformations that have contributed to the deposits of different types of gold-enriched sulphides. These different phases of hydrothermal destabilization generally of low degree accompany the tardi to post-eburnean brittle tectonics. This deformation system is favorable to the establishment of gold mineralization in the form of vein bodies. The overimposition of deformed and altered areas suggests a genetic relationship between deformation and hydrothermal activity. In conclusion, the mineralization of Inti¨¦dougou in vein styles, set up in a volcanic arc environment with a paragenesis of gold-pyrite deposit ¡À chalcopyrite would be controlled by the structural aspect and accompanied by hydrothermal alteration. %K Intié %K dougou Prospect %K Shear %K Hydrothermal %K Tarkwaï %K an %K Gold Mineralization %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130948