%0 Journal Article %T Imam Khomeini and Mandela¡¯s Views of Education: Lessons from Iran¡¯s Cultural Revolution and Decolonial Thought in South Africa %A Vuyisile Msila %J Open Journal of Social Sciences %P 433-449 %@ 2327-5960 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jss.2024.121029 %X Throughout the world, education policy makers perceive the role of education as critical in building the future. Conscientious education planners often consider aspects such as relevance linked to features like culture, progress and citizenship when they plan their education systems. For many, education is the only process that can transform the ills in society and help bring equality and equity. Furthermore, it is through effective education that countries can redress anomalies in language, patriotism, history, culture and nationalism. This article explores the role of education in two countries, the Republics of South Africa and Iran, and how education¡¯s role has impacted in supporting a changing society. It traces the philosophy and beliefs of two leaders, Sayyid Ruhollah Khomeini and Nelson Mandela. Khomeini perceived religion and the clergy as critical in education that would engender purity in students. Mandela as a young man learnt from his elders that the oppressed black people had nothing, hence in examining him the paper examines decolonization and the role of education in bringing about liberation and epistemic freedom. Among the commonalities between the two was that both leaders sought to rid education of the damaging effects of exclusive Western knowledge. But there are differences too. On the one hand, Mandela¡¯s philosophy was based on basic human rights and equality for all, yet on the other, critics have pointed out that Khomeini¡¯s dream of purity in education excluded women. %K Decolonization %K Islamization %K Relevant Education %K Revolution %K Western Knowledge %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130875