%0 Journal Article %T 电子游戏中的女性角色:仍旧性感但更加强大
A Content Analysis of Female Characters in Video Games: Sexy But Powerful %A 张梦霞 %J Advances in Psychology %P 395-403 %@ 2160-7281 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AP.2024.141055 %X 为调查近期主流电子游戏中女性角色形象特征,对IGN评选的“2021年最受好评游戏”展开内容分析。发现女性角色的数量显著提升,尤其是担任主要角色和次要角色的女性都比以往更多。女性角色的能力与性化属性存在关联,被赋予超能力的女性角色更容易被全面性化。主要女性角色的性化与能力水平普遍高于次要女性角色,当前游戏界仍以兼具性化和能力的女性形象为主。研究还发现东亚游戏开发者所塑造的女性角色被赋权的同时也伴随着性化,而北美和欧洲游戏开发者更偏向于强调女性所具备的力量而不是性感。总的来说,近年电子游戏中的女性角色较以往更多,她们是性化的,更是广泛具有能力的。
This study examined the portrayal of female characters in current video games. We did a content analysis on “The Best Reviewed Games of 2021” (IGN). Results indicate that the number of female characters in our study does a significant improvement over previous studies, and the percentage of primary and secondary female characters has generally increased. There is a correlation between capability and sexualization of female characters, and women with superpowers are more likely to be overtly sexualized than those with physical abilities. Compared to the secondary female charac-ters, the primary female characters are more capable and more sexual. The current gaming indus-try is still dominated by images of women who are both sexualized and capable. The study also found that the female characters in East Asian games are both empowered and sexualized, while North American and European game developers tend to emphasize women’s strength rather than sex appeal. In short, there are more female characters in video games, and they are sexualized but capable. %K 电子游戏,女性角色,内容分析,性化
Video Game %K Female Character %K Content Analysis %K Sexualization %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80141