%0 Journal Article %T 职场排斥研究综述与展望
Review and Prospects of Research on Work-place Ostracism %A 张红 %J Service Science and Management %P 156-164 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SSEM.2024.131020 %X 近些年,职场排斥作为一类消极人际互动体验,因其内隐、普遍、典型伤害性使组织和个人深受其害,这引起了组织行为学者和人力资源管理学者的重视并开展了大量研究。在纷繁复杂的文献中,系统梳理职场排斥研究成果,为未来研究提供可借鉴思路显得尤为必要。因此。本文以概念起源、概念界定、维度测量、影响因素(“前因后果”)、应对机制、未来研究展望为路线,剖析归纳了国内外多数研究的结论,其中,重点整理了职场排斥的应对机制及应对机制未来可能的研究方向,以期弥补该方面研究匮乏的缺憾。
In recent years, workplace ostracism, as a type of negative interpersonal interaction experience, has caused serious harm to organizations and individuals because of its implicit, pervasive, and typical-ly harmful nature. This has attracted the attention of organizational behavior scholars and human resource management scholars and carried out a lot of research. In the complicated literature, it is particularly necessary to systematically sort out the research results on workplace ostracism and provide reference ideas for future research. Therefore, this article analyzes and summarizes the conclusions of most domestic and foreign studies along the lines of concept origin, concept definition, dimension measurement, influencing factors (“causes and consequences”), coping mechanisms, and future research prospects. Among them, it focuses on sorting out the coping mechanisms and responses to workplace ostracism, possible future research directions of the mechanism in order to make up for the lack of research in this area. %K 职场排斥,概念研究,影响因素,应对机制
Workplace Ostracism %K Conceptual Research %K Influencing Factors %K Coping Mechanisms %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80184