%0 Journal Article %T 大数据背景下真品卷烟异常流动监控系统研究
Research on Abnormal Flow Monitoring System of Genuine Cigarette under the Background of Big Data %A 张捷 %A 周波 %A 金鑫 %A 陈华 %A 陈挺 %J Management Science and Engineering %P 257-263 %@ 2167-6658 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MSE.2024.131025 %X 本文设计了一个大数据背景下真品卷烟异常流动监控系统。随着社会经济的发展和全球化的进程,卷烟市场规模不断扩大,不法分子利用监管漏洞牟取暴利,导致真品卷烟在不同地区异常流动的现象日益猖獗。为了加强监管稽查,信息化技术在烟草领域的重要性凸显。文章介绍了卷烟市场规模扩大的背景和真品卷烟异常流动对产业链的影响。分析了信息化在烟草监管中的重要意义,包括大规模数据的收集、处理和分析,以及实时监控和追踪等功能。详细介绍了真品卷烟异常流动多维数据系统的研究方法和应用实践,并展望了未来研究方向。实践表明文章开发的真品卷烟异常流动多维数据系统可以有效提升真品卷烟异常流动监管稽查能力。
This paper designs a real cigarette abnormal flow monitoring system under the background of big data. With the development of social economy and the process of globalization, the scale of the cigarette market continues to expand, and criminals use regulatory loopholes to make huge profits, resulting in an increasingly rampant phenomenon of abnormal flow of genuine cigarettes in different regions. In order to strengthen supervision and inspection, the importance of information technology in the field of tobacco is highlighted. This paper introduces the background of the expansion of the cigarette market and the influence of the abnormal flow of real cigarettes on the industrial chain. The significance of informatization in tobacco regulation is analyzed, including the collection, processing and analysis of large-scale data, as well as real-time monitoring and tracking. The research methods and application practice of multi-dimensional data system for abnormal flow of real cigarettes are introduced in detail, and the future research direction is prospected. Practice shows that the multi-dimensional data system of abnormal flow of real cigarettes developed in this paper can effectively improve the supervision and inspection ability of abnormal flow of real cigarettes. %K 异常流动,信息化技术,监控系统,数据库
Abnormal Flow %K Information Technology %K Monitoring System %K Database %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80253