%0 Journal Article %T 高校国有资产信息化管理困境与对策
The Dilemma and Countermeasures of Informationization Management of State-Owned Assets in Universities %A 韦雁仙 %J Management Science and Engineering %P 284-291 %@ 2167-6658 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MSE.2024.131028 %X 本论文深入研究了当前高校国有资产管理的困境,特别是在信息化管理方面面临的挑战。通过细致的分析,发现当前高校国有资产管理存在管理效率低、资源配置不优、资产使用效率不高等问题。在解决这些困境的过程中,本文提出了一系列解决措施,包括制度建设、资产管理体制改革、资源配置优化、信息系统建设与升级、数据安全与隐私保护等。这些措施旨在推动高校国有资产信息化管理的全面实施,以提高管理效率、优化资源配置、增强资产使用效率。论文还强调了持续监测与评估的重要性,以保障管理体系的持续改进。
The paper delves into the current difficulties in state-owned asset management in universities, especially the challenges faced in information management. Through detailed analysis, it is found that there are problems with low management efficiency, poor resource allocation, and low asset utilization efficiency in the current management of state-owned assets in universities. In the process of solving these difficulties, this article proposes a series of solutions, including institutional construction, asset management system reform, resource allocation optimization, information system construction and upgrading, data security and privacy protection, etc. These measures aim to promote the comprehensive implementation of information management of state-owned assets in universities, in order to improve management efficiency, optimize resource allocation, and enhance asset utilization efficiency. The paper also emphasizes the importance of continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure the continuous improvement of the management system. %K 国有资产,信息化管理,高校
State Owned Assets %K Information Management %K Universities %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80273