%0 Journal Article %T 经济政策不确定性对银行风险承担的影响——基于调节效应分析
The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Bank Risk-Taking—Based on Regulation Effect Analysis %A 夏振皓 %A 田穗 %J Business and Globalization %P 39-49 %@ 2331-0219 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/BGlo.2024.121005 %X 本文研究了2012~2021年我国41家在A股上市的商业银行的年度平衡面板数据,从主动风险承担以及被动风险承担两个角度出发进行了相关研究。在实证中,本文使用固定效应模型进行相关的回归分析,研究结果如下文所示:经济政策不确定性对商业银行的主动风险承担、被动风险承担以及综合破产风险起到一定的负向作用;拨备覆盖率增加会抑制经济政策不确定性对商业银行主动风险承担、商业银行被动风险承担以及破产风险的负向作用。
This article takes the annual equilibrium panel data of 41 commercial banks listed on China’s A-share market from 2012 to 2021 as the research object, and conducts relevant research from two perspectives: active risk-taking and passive risk-taking. In empirical analysis, this article uses a fixed effects model for correlation regression analysis, and the research results show that: Economic policy uncertainty has a certain negative impact on the active risk-taking, passive risk-taking, and comprehensive bankruptcy risk of commercial banks; the increase in provision coverage will suppress the reverse impact of economic policy uncertainty on active risk taking, passive risk taking, and bankruptcy risk of commercial banks. %K 经济政策不确定性,商业银行风险承担,拨备覆盖率,调节效应
Economic Policy Uncertainty %K Risk Taking by Commercial Banks %K Provision Coverage Ratio %K Moderating Effect %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80124