%0 Journal Article %T 大学生隐私保护自我效能对其隐私披露行为的影响
Influence of College Students’ PrivacySelf-Efficacy on Their Privacy DisclosureBehavior %A 李鑫 %A 陈璐 %A 陈子琪 %A 徐晓旭 %A 桑景明 %J Journalism and Communications %P 10-22 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JC.2024.121003 %X 在大数据时代,数据信息成为一种极其重要的资源,给人们提供了很多便利,推动了经济的增长。但是, 数据在交互的过程中也存在着诸多问题,比如潜在的隐私泄露的风险和侵犯用户权益的行为。现阶段, 用户在意识到个人隐私和数据安全重要性的同时,仍然存在着一些隐私披露行为,这种认知和行为上相 悖的情况即为隐私悖论。为研究隐私悖论的具体表现,本团队通过问卷调查及数据分析,基本验证社交 媒体和电商平台下隐私悖论的存在和影响因子,为提升用户隐私保护自我效能提出建议。
In the era of big data, data information has become an extremely important resource, providing people with a lot of convenience and promoting economic growth. However, there are also many problems in the process of data interaction, such as the potential risk of privacy disclosure and infringement of user rights and interests. While users are aware of the importance of personal privacy and data security, there are still some privacy disclosure behaviors, which are contradictory in cognition and behavior, which is called the privacy paradox. To study the specific manifestation of it, the team basically verified the existence and impact factors of privacy paradox under social media and e-commerce platform through questionnaire survey and data analysis, and put forward suggestions for improving users’ self-efficacy in privacy protection. %K 隐私悖论,数据保护,社交媒体,电商平台,隐私权
Privacy Paradox %K Data Protection %K Social Media %K E-Commerce Platform %K Right of Privacy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80358