%0 Journal Article %T 非遗在游戏皮肤设计中的创新发展研究——以《王者荣耀》为例
Research on the Inventive Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Game Skin Design—Taking “Honor of Kings” as an Example %A 李情 %J Design %P 58-66 %@ ****-**** %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/Design.2024.91008 %X 进入互联网时代,移动电子设备得到普及,手机游戏发展增势迅猛。作为一款现象级爆款手游,《王者荣耀》以我国古代传统文化为背景,致力于打造“游戏 + 文化”的新型传播模式,从而对中国传统文化进行全新赋能。非物质文化遗产作为更具“活态性”的中国传统文化,也要实现活跃传承。本文通过对移动游戏《王者荣耀》中以中国非物质文化遗产运用进行创新设计的游戏角色皮肤进行分析,引出“游戏 + 文化”对非物质文化遗产传承的意义。
Mobile electronic gadgets have become ubiquitous in the Internet era, and mobile games are rapidly evolving. As a phenomenon-level explosive mobile game, “Honor of Kings” takes China’s old traditional culture as its backdrop and is dedicated to developing a new communication model of “game + culture” in order to offer Chinese traditional culture new empowerment. As a more “living” traditional Chinese culture, intangible cultural heritage should also actualize active inheritance. This study examines the skin of game characters in the mobile game “Honor of Kings” that have been innovatively made with the application of Chinese intangible cultural her-itage, and it highlights the value of “game + culture” to the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. %K 非物质文化遗产,《王者荣耀》,文化传播
Intangible Cultural Legacy %K “Honor of Kings” %K Cultural Communication %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80362