%0 Journal Article %T A Generic and Reliable Land Acquisition Protocol Implementation for Sub-Saharan Africa Countries %A Bayomock Linwa Andr¨¦ Claude %A Traore Hamidou %J Journal of Computer and Communications %P 208-245 %@ 2327-5227 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jcc.2024.121015 %X Land acquisition is subject of many frauds worldwide. In Africa countries, land acquisition frauds are a real curse. Main reasons of the high land acquisition frauds in Africa are a lack of a reliable land acquisition protocol implementation, no centralized information system that records land transactions and integrates all actors, lack of education about the acquisition protocol and lack of applied sanctions in case of frauds. As of sanctions, the issue is bound to the corruption plague in Africa. Authorities that are supposed to rule the laws are not well paid and are part of the corruption scheme. Most frequent frauds are multiple sales of the same land, falsified land title, false owner identification. In Africa, a land belongs generally to the first residents of the area. To claim ownership of a land, an owner should be recognized by the rural or city authorities. To achieve this recognition, he must obtain from those authorities an attribution letter. The author proposed a complete and reliable land acquisition protocol named ACLAP (Africa Countries Land Acquisition Protocol). The purpose of this paper is to explain the main components of the protocol implementation and show its efficiency when confronting fraud threats. In this paper, a Generic and Reliable Land Acquisition Protocol Implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa countries context is proposed. The platform keeps relevant land transaction information for administrators, managers, buyers, sellers, or for people consultation purpose. The application may be used in village, city, department, region, or country for land management decision making. %K Land %K Acquisition %K Protocol %K Reliable %K Africa %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=131011