%0 Journal Article %T 产业结构升级对京津冀地区碳减排的影响研究
Study on the Impact of Industrial Structure Upgrading on Carbon Emission Reduction in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region %A 廖志高 %A 李芳芳 %J Journal of Low Carbon Economy %P 1-13 %@ 2324-7932 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JLCE.2024.131001 %X 在“双碳”背景下,从源头上通过产业结构优化升级达到减污降碳需求更加迫切。基于此,本研究选取了2006年~2019年京津冀各城市的有关面板数据,利用空间杜宾计量经济学的方法,探究产业结构升级对碳减排具体影响效应。研究发现:京津冀城市群的碳排放具有明显的空间溢出效应,产业结构升级有助于减少二氧化碳的排放,且对该地区碳排放存在异质性影响。为此,京津冀城市群各地政府应因地制宜制定相关举措,兼顾加强与邻近城市的交流与合作,推动区域整体的协调发展,促进地区碳减排。
Under the background of “double carbon”, it is more urgent to achieve the demand of pollution reduction and carbon reduction by optimizing and upgrading the industrial structure from the source. Based on this, this study selects the relevant panel data of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cities from 2006 to 2019, and uses the method of spatial dobbin econometrics to explore the specific impact of industrial structure upgrading on carbon emission reduction. It is found that the carbon emissions of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration have obvious spatial spillover effect, and the upgrading of industrial structure is helpful to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and there is a heterogeneous impact on carbon emissions in this region. Therefore, local governments in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration should formulate relevant measures according to local conditions, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with neighboring cities, promote the coordinated development of the region as a whole, and promote regional carbon emission reduction. %K 空间关联,产业结构升级,碳减排,空间计量
Spatial Correlation %K Industrial Structure Upgrading %K Carbon Emission Reduction %K Spatial Metrology %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80378