%0 Journal Article %T 从“偏好默认”到“决定偏好”——网络消费中视觉引导对用户认知行为的影响
From “Preference Default” to “Decide Preferences”—The Influence of Visual Guidance on Users’ Cognitive Behavior in Online Consumption %A 杨采奕 %J Design %P 96-103 %@ ****-**** %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/Design.2024.91013 %X 现代网络技术的发达为人们带来了网络消费,从而塑造了新的消费习惯与行为。然而,一些外界因素会制约消费者的判断,有时会从一开始的“偏好默认”状态,转变为最终的“决定偏好”。而视觉图像识别就在其中发挥举足轻重的作用,其将引导具象化,使消费形式变得丰富化及多元化。而这一现象要归根于当下网络消费环境以及其现代视觉识别的发展,文章即以这样的思考作为研究视角,分析网络视觉语言形式作为引导出现的原因,并具体分析视觉形式的转变如何影响消费者的心理认知与消费行为。
The development of modern network technology has brought people online consumption, thus shaping new consumption habits and behaviors. However, some external factors will constrain consumers’ judgment, and sometimes it will change from the initial “preference default” state to the final “decision preference”. Visual image recognition plays a pivotal role in this, which will guide the concretization and enrich and diversify the form of consumption. This phenomenon is rooted in the current online consumption environment and the development of modern visual identity. This paper takes this thinking as a research perspective, analyzes the reasons for the emergence of online visual language as a guide, and specifically analyzes how the transformation of visual form affects consumers’ psychological cognition and consumption behavior. %K 网络消费,视觉引导设计,消费行为
Online Consumption %K Visually Guided Design %K Consumer Behavior %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80368