%0 Journal Article %T 基于认知负荷的老年人家用制氧机界面设计度量与优化
Measurement and Optimization of Interface Design for Elderly Household Oxygen Makers Based on Cognitive Load %A 曹俊杰 %A 张凯 %J Design %P 131-145 %@ ****-**** %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/Design.2024.91017 %X 目的:研究老年人使用家用制氧机过程中产生的认知负荷,展开制氧机界面中认知负荷的度量与实践研究。方法:通过厘清认知负荷概念,梳理认知负荷构成要素;从认知负荷构成要素出发,提出认知负荷度量的一级和二级指标,总结归纳度量方法和权重设定方法;研究老年人使用家用制氧机的任务流程、结合认知负荷度量指标对老年人家用制氧机进行成因分析;结合用户体验五要素对家用制氧机的进行设计改良并验证。结论:研究表明家用制氧机在界面的组织形式和表现形式缺乏一定合理性,导致老年人在进行任务操作时会产生注意分配失衡导致认知负荷过载,可通过合理组织与呈现界面信息的方法进行优化。家用制氧机界面设计中的认知负荷度量方法对认知负荷在老年用户产品界面的优化设计提供了创新路径,具有一定指导意义。
Objective: To study the cognitive load generated by elderly people during the use of household oxygen concentrators, and to conduct measurement and practical research on cognitive load in the interface of oxygen concentrators. Method: Clarify the concept of cognitive load and sort out the constituent elements of cognitive load; starting from the constituent elements of cognitive load, propose the first and second level indicators for measuring cognitive load, summarize and summarize the measurement methods and weight setting methods; study the task flow of elderly people using home oxygen concentrators, and analyze the causes of elderly people using home oxygen concentrators based on cognitive load measurement indicators; design improvement and validation of household oxygen concentrators based on the five elements of user experience. Conclusion: Research has shown that the organizational and presentation forms of household oxygen concentrators lack certain rationality in the interface, leading to imbalanced attention allocation and cognitive overload in elderly people during task operations. Optimization can be achieved through reasonable organization and presentation of interface information. The cognitive load measurement method in the interface design of household oxygen concentrators provides an innovative path for the optimization design of cognitive load in elderly user product interfaces, and has certain guiding significance. %K 认知负荷,老年人,界面设计,家用制氧机
Cognitive Load %K Elderly People %K Interface Design %K Household Oxygen Concentrators %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80396