%0 Journal Article %T 区块链技术及其在汽车领域的应用综述
Overview of Blockchain Technology and Its Applications in the Automotive Industry %A 丛颖 %J Frontiers of International Accounting %P 10-15 %@ 2169-2580 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/FIA.2024.131002 %X 区块链作为一种典型的分布式交易账本,具有去中心化、公开透明、永久存储且不可篡改和可溯源性等特征,适合于解决汽车行业防伪溯源难、充电难、隐私保护等问题。本文结合区块链技术和汽车行业的主要特征,总结了现有的汽车行业区块链相关平台和项目,从供应链、充电、车联网三个主要的区块链应用方面进行了文献综述。在此基础上,本文还总结了区块链技术与汽车行业相结合的未来应用和研究方向。
As a typical distributed transaction ledger, blockchain has the characteristics of decentralization, openness and transparency, permanent storage and immutability, and traceability. It is suitable for solving the problems of anti-counterfeiting traceability, charging difficulty, privacy protection, etc. in the automotive industry. This article combines blockchain technology with the main characteristics of the automotive industry, summarizes existing block-chain-related platforms and projects in the automotive industry, and conducts a literature review from the three main blockchain applications of supply chain, charging, and vehicle networking. Based on this, this article also summarizes the future applications and research directions of combining blockchain technology with the automotive industry. %K 汽车区块链,供应链,车联网,充电,研究方向
Automotive Blockchain %K Supply Chain %K Vehicle Networking %K Charge %K Research Direction %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80444