%0 Journal Article %T 早期佛教缘起思想的理论质疑
Theoretical Questioning of Early Buddhist Thoughts of Dependent Origination %A 孟领 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 27-31 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121005 %X 佛教缘起论是一个博大精深的思想体系。在早期佛教时期,缘起论主要围绕如何解脱这一主题展开的,在世界观和认识论方面并没有充分展开。这就引发了一些理论质疑:佛教既然主张无我,那么谁在轮回,善恶业力如何传承;物质世界是如何缘起的,缘起论有没有普遍适用性;如果把诸法缘起界定为因缘和合,那么不可再分的极微和不生不灭的无为法还是不是缘起法。通过对这些问题的梳理,我们指出部派佛教对缘起思想的某些阐释是不正确的。
The Buddhist theory of dependent origination represents a vast and intricate philosophical framework. In the early Buddhist era, this theory primarily revolved around the pursuit of liberation, without extensive exploration in cosmology and epistemology. This limitation invites theoretical inquiries: given Buddhism’s doctrine of Anātman (non-self), who experiences rebirth, and how is karma, both meritorious and malevolent, transmitted? Is the external world genuine, and does the theory of dependent origination have universal applicability? Furthermore, if we categorize all phenomena as products of interdependent causes and conditions, how do we account for the indivisible minutiae and the immutable, unconditioned phenomena? Through sorting out these problems, we point out that some interpretations of the idea of dependent origination in Sectarian Buddhism are incorrect. %K 早期佛教,缘起法,无我,轮回,无为法
Early Buddhism %K Dependent Origination %K Anātman (Non-Self) %K Sa?sāra (Cycle of Rebirth) %K Asama-Dharma %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80451