%0 Journal Article %T 少数民族聚落动线归纳研究
Inductive Study on the Circulation of Ethnic Minority Settlements %A 李尚翾 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 32-45 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121006 %X 文化聚落是指以文化为核心,通过挖掘、传承和展示本地文化资源,促进文化产业发展,提升居民生活品质的小型社区或地区。这种发展模式通常涵盖了文化创意产业、文化旅游、文化教育等方面,旨在打造以文化脉络传递为吸引力的综合性社区。不同于传统功能较为单一的居住区域,文化聚落通常由于原住居民的生活习惯、居住环境、经济模式等多个方向上具有独特性,因此具有保护和传承价值的聚居区通常也拥有研学考察、旅游参观、产业升级等多种功能。从而在功能层面上,文化聚落综合体不同目的的人流需要规划其相应的功能动线,本文将从理论阐述、研究意义、现实基础、功能动线架构等方向进行论述。
Cultural settlements refer to small communities or areas that take culture as the core and promote the development of cultural industries and improve the quality of residents’ lives by exploring, inheriting and displaying local cultural resources. This development model usually covers cultural and creative industries, cultural tourism, cultural education, etc., aiming to create a comprehensive community that is attractive due to the transmission of cultural context. Different from traditional residential areas with relatively single functions, cultural settlements are usually unique in many aspects such as the living habits, living environment, and economic model of the original residents. Therefore, settlements with protection and inheritance value usually also have research, inspection, and they also have multiple functions such as tourism visits and industrial upgrading. Therefore, at the functional level, the traffic flow for different purposes in the cultural settlement complex needs to plan its corresponding functional movement lines. This article will discuss the theoretical explanation, research significance, practical basis, functional dynamic structure, etc. %K 乡村振兴,文化聚落,功能动线,聚落规划
Rural Revitalization %K Cultural Settlement %K Functional Circulation %K Settlement Planning %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80453