%0 Journal Article %T 城市街道景观设计的文化氛围构建思考——以南京街区为例
Thinking about the Construction of Cultural Atmosphere in Urban Street Landscape Design—Taking Nanjing District as an Example %A 陈千琪 %J Design %P 190-196 %@ ****-**** %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/Design.2024.91023 %X 随着市场经济国际化的深入,中国城市化的建设的加快,人民水平和生活条件的日益提升,我们更加关注城市的环境问题和城市居住的景观的塑造。首先最能代表一个城市的就是街景。一个城市的街道大致可分为商业街、交通街道和生活方式街道。不同类型的街道被景观美化到它们所承载的功能,包括不同的街道景观,具有空间功能、活动场所、自然生态、历史和文化元素。本文从文化的角度来对城市街道景观建设进行构建和思考,基于现实,本文试图寻找街道景观的设计文化,不断探索街道和现代技术的城市空间中的艺术单元,创建一个具有文化品位和传统风格相并存的现代街道景观,并在现代城市中建设一个具有特色的新的城市街道景观。
With the deepening of the internationalization of market economy, the acceleration of the construction of urbanization in China, and the increasing improvement of people’s level and living conditions, we pay more attention to the urban environmental problems and the shaping of urban residential landscape. The first thing that can best represent a city is the street scene. The streets of a city can be roughly divided into commercial streets, traffic streets and lifestyle streets. Different types of streets are landscaped to the functions they carry, including different streetscapes with spatial functions, places of activity, natural ecology, historical and cultural elements. This paper constructs and thinks about the construction of urban street landscape from the perspective of culture. Based on reality, this paper tries to find the design culture of street landscape, constantly explore the art units in the urban space of street and modern technology, create a modern street landscape with cultural grade and traditional style coexist, and build a new urban street landscape with characteristics in the modern city. %K 城市街道景观,设计,设计文化
Urban Street Landscape %K Design %K Design Culture %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80429