%0 Journal Article %T 磐安县林业碳汇发展的思考
Reflections on the Development of Forestry Carbon Sink in Pan’an County %A 陈海清 %A 陈江芳 %A 尹准生 %A 杜宝良 %A 陈文涛 %A 唐玉 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 14-19 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJE.2024.131002 %X 磐安生态资源本底较好,林业碳汇发展前景广阔。基于磐安县林业碳汇现状,本文对其潜力及发展情况进行分析,指出当前磐安林业碳汇发展存在的主要问题。从积极开展森林资源增汇、继续加强森林保护稳汇和逐步探索价值转化促汇三个方面提出了下一步磐安林业碳汇发展的对策和建议,以期为助力实现“双碳”目标和为其他地区发展提供参考。
Pan’an has a good background in ecological resources and broad prospects for the development of forestry carbon sink. Based on the current situation of the forestry carbon sink in Pan’an County, this paper analyzes its potential and development situation, and points out the main problems in the current development of the forestry carbon sink in Pan’an. The countermeasures and sugges-tions for the next step in the development of carbon sink in Pan’an forestry were proposed from three aspects: actively carrying out forest resource expansion, continuing to strengthen forest protection and stable carbon sink, and gradually exploring value conversion and promotion of carbon sink, in order to provide a reference for helping to achieve the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals and other regional development. %K 碳达峰,碳中和,林业碳汇,磐安县
Carbon Peak %K Carbon Neutralization %K Forestry Carbon Sink %K Pan’an County %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80512