%0 Journal Article %T 2-2型磁电复合纳米薄膜的制备及性能表征
Preparation and Property Characterization of 2-2 Magnetoelectric Composite Nanofilms %A 张北桥 %A 邓朝勇 %J Journal of Advances in Physical Chemistry %P 41-45 %@ 2168-6130 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JAPC.2024.131006 %X 随着科学社会的快速发展及各学科之间的相互交叉渗透,单一的铁电薄膜或磁电薄膜已经难以满足现在的应用需求,所以高性能的多铁性磁电复合薄膜受到了越来越多的关注,不仅集成了室温铁电和铁磁有序甚至集成了新颖的磁电耦合效应。本文采用溶胶凝胶法和快速退火工艺制备了优异铁电性能的Bi0.9Ce0.1Fe0.9Zn0.1O3 (BCFZO)薄膜和优异铁磁性能的Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 (NZFO)薄膜,利用BCFZO的铁电性和NZFO的铁磁性复合,构成了2-2型磁电复合薄膜。并利用XRD和SEM技术研究薄膜的微观结构和晶体结构,最后采用铁电测试仪和综合物性测试系统测试复合薄膜的铁电性和铁磁性,为多铁性材料的应用提供了一种新的高性能磁电复合薄膜。
With the rapid development of science and society and the mutual cross-penetration between various disciplines, a single ferroelectric film or magnetoelectric film has been difficult to meet the current application requirements, so high-performance multiferroic magnetoelectric composite films have received more and more attention, not only integrating room-temperature ferroelectricity and ferromagnetic ordering and even integrating novel magnetoelectric coupling effects. In this paper, Bi0.9Ce0.1Fe0.9Zn0.1O3 (BCFZO) film with excellent ferroelectricity and Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 (NZFO) film with excellent ferromagnetism were prepared by the sol-gel method and the rapid annealing process, and the composite of ferroelectricity of BCFZO and ferromagnetism of NZFO were utilized to compose a 2-2 type magnetoelectric composite film. The microstructure and crystal structure of the films were also investigated by XRD and SEM techniques, and finally the ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism of the composite films were tested by using ferroelectric tester and comprehensive physical property testing system, which provided a new high-performance magnetoelectric composite film for the application of multiferroic materials. %K 复合薄膜,溶胶凝胶
Composite Film %K Sol-Gel %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80492