%0 Journal Article %T DOI标准提升我国学术期刊传播效能研究
Research on Improving the Communication Efficiency of Academic Journals in China by DOI Standards %A 陶云云 %A 张志林 %A 刘华坤 %J Journalism and Communications %P 65-71 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JC.2024.121011 %X DOI标准在学术期刊建设有重要作用,探析DOI对于学术期刊传播效能提升的关键、制约因素以及实施策略,能够为我国DOI的推广应用提供建设性意见。DOI提升学术期刊传播效能的关键在于,保障学术文献知识产权、构建学术资源的共享链接、提升学术文献的网络显示度、提高学术期刊出版的时效性。建议通过制定强制性参考文献著录DOI规范、提高编辑人员对DOI的认识、提升DOI的解析功能、建立中国DOI系统等途径,从而提升我国DOI推广应用传播效能。
DOI standard plays an important role in the construction of academic journals. Analyzing the key, restricting factors and implementation strategies of DOI for improving the communication efficiency of academic journals can provide constructive suggestions for the promotion and application of DOI in China. The key to improving the communication efficiency of academic journals by DOI is to ensure the intellectual property rights of academic literature, build a sharing link of academic resources, improve the network visibility of academic literature, and improve the timeliness of academic journal publishing. It is suggested to improve the communication efficiency of DOI promotion and application in China by formulating mandatory reference description DOI specifications, raising the awareness of editors on DOI, improving the analytical function of DOI, and establishing the Chinese DOI system. %K DOI,学术期刊,传播效能提升,实现途径
DOI %K Academic Journals %K Communication Efficiency Improvement %K Realization Approach %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80546