%0 Journal Article %T 融媒体时代高校党建工作机制的创新路径
Innovative Path of Party Building Working Mechanism in Colleges and Universities in the Era of Media Integration %A 徐澎聪 %A 刘润强 %A 张楚豪 %J Journalism and Communications %P 79-84 %@ 2330-4774 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JC.2024.121013 %X 高校党建工作是党的建设的重要组成部分,在全面从严治党战略布局中发挥重要作用。以人工智能、信息传播方式、大数据等为代表的融媒体技术高速发展,“学习强国”平台便是新形势下为建设学习型强国和构建学习型社会而建立的融媒体平台。融媒体时代,理性分析高校党建工作面临的现实困境,利用好“学习强国”这个“加油站”和“百宝箱”,积极探索该平台对高校党建工作的应用价值和创新途径,努力提高高校党建工作的内容质量,为推进高校党建工作做出新的贡献。
Party building in colleges and universities is an important part of party building and plays an important role in the strategic layout of strictly administering the party in an all-round way. With the rapid development of media integration technology represented by artificial intelligence, information dissemination methods and big data, the “xuéxí qiángguó” platform is a media integration platform aimed at enabling people to learn more so they can make the country stronger. In the era of media integration, we should rationally analyze the practical difficulties faced by the party building work in colleges and universities, make good use of the “gas station” and “treasure chest” of “xuéxí qiángguó”, actively explore the application value and innovative ways of the platform to the college party construction, strive to improve the content quality of the college party construction, and make new contributions to promoting the college party construction. %K 高校党建,融媒体,学习强国
Party Building in Colleges and Universities %K Media Integration %K Xuéxí Qiángguó %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80549