%0 Journal Article %T 《吐鲁番出土文书》中“下衣”类常用词研究
A Study on the Evolution of the Common Words of “Underwear” in “Turfan Unearthed Documents” %A 李海洋 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 51-56 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121008 %X 《吐鲁番出土文书》中表示“下衣”这一义位的词可细分为裙装和裤装两类,检索出的常用词有“裳”“裙”“裈”“袴”四个。“裳”“裙”的产生时间早于“裈”和“袴”,“裙”在这一时期的口语中正逐渐取代“裳”,“裈”和“袴”的使用在口语中也逐渐增多。传世文献中四词的用例与出土文书正相反,“裳”的使用明显多于“裙”,“裈”和“袴”的使用频率也很低。这正突显了《吐鲁番出土文书》的世俗化特征以及独特的地域文化色彩,也反映了吐鲁番地区自古以来便是多种文化交流与融合之地。
The word “Underwear” in “Turfan unearthed documents” can be divided into two categories: skirt and trousers. The commonly used words retrieved are “Shang”, “Skirt”, “Kun” and “hakama”. “Shang” and “skirt” were produced earlier than “Kun” and “Hakama”. “Skirt” was gradually replacing “Shang” in spoken language during this period, and the use of “Kun” and “Hakama” was also gradually increasing in spoken language. The use cases of the four words in the handed down documents are opposite to those in the unearthed documents. The use of “Shang” is obviously more than that of “Skirt”, and the frequency of use of “Bu” and “Hakama” is also very low. This highlights the secular characteristics of “Turpan unearthed documents” and the unique regional cultural color, and also reflects that the Turpan region has been a place of cultural exchange and integration since ancient times. %K 《吐鲁番出土文书》,裳,裙,裈,袴
“Turpan Unearthed Documents” %K Shang %K Skirt %K Kun %K Hakama %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80597