%0 Journal Article %T 浅析“鼎”字及其文化内涵
Analysis of “Ding” Character and Its Cultural Connotation %A 游芷晴 %A 潘希希 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 62-66 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121010 %X “鼎”字在《通用规范汉字表》中属于一级字表,是常用汉字,其独体象形的结构生动描绘了鼎的容器特征。文章以“鼎”为研究对象,纵观“鼎”在中国古代的发展演变,探求中华民族以鼎为镇国之宝的内在原因,发掘“鼎”字所蕴含的文化内涵:“鼎”原本是用来烹煮和盛贮食物的食器,后来逐渐发展成为奴隶贵族的重要礼器,西周时期受到宗法等级制定严格的礼乐制度,成为各级别的王公贵族在宴饮时享用的器具。“鼎”字背后蕴含的文化,随着汉字这个载体,与其他文化共同汇聚成源远流长的中华文化。
The character “Ding” belongs to the first-level character table in the “general standard Chinese character table” and is a commonly used Chinese character. The structure of its single pictograph vividly depicts the container characteristics of “Ding”. This paper takes “Ding” as the research object, looks at the development and evolution of “Ding” in ancient China, explores the internal reasons why the Chinese nation regards “Ding” as the treasure of the country, and explores the cultural connotation contained in the word “Ding”: “Ding” was originally used to cook and store food, and later gradually developed into an important ritual vessel for slave aristocrats. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was subject to the strict ritual and music system formulated by the patriarchal hierarchy and became an instrument enjoyed by princes and nobles at all levels during the banquet. The culture behind the “ding” character, with the carrier of Chinese characters, converges with other cultures to form a longstanding Chinese culture. %K 汉字,中华文化,鼎,食器,礼器
Chinese Characters %K Chinese Culture %K Ding %K Food Utensils %K Ritual Vessel %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80600