%0 Journal Article %T “窗”与“几”:中国传统文人书斋设计中的时空意蕴
“Window” and “Desk”: The Space-Time Implication in the Design of Traditional Chinese Literati’s Study Rooms %A 朱靖 %J Design %P 314-319 %@ ****-**** %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/Design.2024.91037 %X 窗,作为中国传统建筑中独具文化意蕴与审美魅力的重要构件,同样也是传统文人渲染气氛,营造空间的重要器具。通过窗户,书斋内外的界限被打破,时间和空间得到了延展。这样一种借用窗来欣赏景色的形式,完美地体现了中国传统审美形式。以“几”为中心的书斋内部空间布置注重中庸与平衡,以营造出协调且宜人的空间氛围。中国传统文人书斋设计中的“窗”与“几”承载了丰富的时空意蕴。窗户作为连接内外世界的媒介,承载着时间流逝的见证;而家具和摆设的布置则体现了空间的审美追求和文人情怀的表达。通过对书斋设计中的窗和几的探讨,我们可以更深入地了解中国传统文人对于时空之间关系的思考和追求。
Window, as an important component with unique cultural significance and aesthetic charm in traditional Chinese architecture, is also an important instrument for traditional literati to render atmosphere and create space. Through the windows, the boundaries between inside and outside the study are broken, and time and space are extended. Such a form of borrowing the window to enjoy the scenery perfectly reflects the traditional Chinese aesthetic form. With “desk” as the center, the interior space layout of the study pays attention to moderation and balance, in order to create a harmonious and pleasant space atmosphere. The “window” and “desk” in the design of traditional Chinese literati study rooms carry rich space-time implications. As a medium connecting the inner and outer world, Windows bear the witness of the passage of time; the arrangement of desks and decorations reflects the aesthetic pursuit of space and the expression of literati feelings. Through the discussion of the window and table in the design of the study, we can have a deeper understanding of the traditional Chinese literati’s thinking and pursuit of the relationship between time and space. %K 窗明几净,书斋设计,时空意蕴
Bright Windows and Clean Desks %K Design of Study Rooms %K Space-Time Implication %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80570