%0 Journal Article %T 基于蚊媒传染病问题的城市公园景观设计策略研究
Research on Landscape Design Strategies for Urban Parks Based on Mosquito-Borne Disease Problems %A 赵馨玉 %A 孙洋洋 %A 胡金丽 %A 吴珏莹 %A 胡广 %J Design %P 338-342 %@ ****-**** %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/Design.2024.91040 %X 高绿化率的城市公园建设提供了居民与自然亲密接触的生态空间环境,但同时也为蚊虫提供了栖息环境,更重要的是为蚊虫传播疾病提供了机会。针对城市公园景观环境提出四点防控蚊媒传染病的设计建议:空间尺度宜人,功能布局人蚊分离;在保持绿化效益高的同时,低密度种植灌草;水体师法自然,宜动不宜静;景观小品设施避免积水,驱蚊装置多功能化。以此避免不合理的设计造成蚊媒传染病爆发后果,将景观设计与蚊媒传染病防控统筹考虑,将有助于实现社会安全及环境效益的整体优化。
The construction of urban parks with high greening rate provides an ecological spatial environment for residents to have close contact with nature, but it also provides a habitat for mosquitoes and, more importantly, an opportunity for mosquito-borne diseases. Four design suggestions are put forward for the prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases in the ur-ban park landscape environment: the spatial scale is pleasant, and the functional layout separates human and mosquito; while maintaining high greening efficiency, low density planting of shrubs and grasses; water system follows the natural law, and it is better to be dynamic rather than static; landscape facilities avoid stagnant water, and mosquito repellent devices are multi-functional. In order to avoid the consequences of mosquito-borne disease outbreaks caused by irrational design, landscape design and mosquito-borne disease prevention and control in an integrated manner, will help to achieve the overall optimization of social security and environmental benefits. %K 公园景观设计,蚊媒传染病,杭州公园
Park Landscape Design %K Mosquito-Borne Diseases %K Hangzhou Park %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80573