%0 Journal Article %T Z世代视角下花卉元素在服饰品中的设计方法研究
Research on Design Methods of Floral Elements in Apparel Products from the Perspective of Generation Z %A 董妍 %A 戚孟勇 %J Design %P 403-412 %@ ****-**** %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/Design.2024.91048 %X 随着Z世代群体在当下消费市场中的影响力逐渐攀升,迎合年轻一代的消费需求成为服饰品牌未来的关键。深度剖析与洞察Z时代的审美需求与时尚观点是服饰品设计的重心。文章首先阐明了Z世代的相关概念,同时归纳总结了这一人群的具体审美特征与表现;其次,在这基础上与花卉元素结合,分析了Z世代审美特征下花卉元素在服饰品中的呈现特点。并且结合了首饰品牌的实例进行设计效果分析,探讨相关的设计语言和工艺。
As the influence of Generation Z is gradually rising in the current consumer market, catering to the consumption needs of the younger generation has become the key to the future of apparel brands. In-depth analysis and insight into the aesthetic needs and fashion views of Generation Z are the focus of apparel design. The article firstly clarifies the concept of Generation Z and summarizes the specific aesthetic characteristics and performance of this group of people; secondly, on the basis of this, it combines with floral elements and analyzes the characteristics of floral elements in apparel under the aesthetic characteristics of Generation Z. The article also combines with examples of jewelry brands to illustrate how floral elements are used in the design of apparel. The design effect is also analyzed with examples of jewelry brands to explore the related design language and technology. %K Z世代,审美特征,花卉元素,服饰品
Generation Z %K Aesthetic Characteristics %K Floral Elements %K Apparel Products %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80591