%0 Journal Article %T 老龄化背景下养老模式的现实困境和立法思考
Realistic Dilemmas and Legislative Reflections on the Elderly Care Model under the Background of Aging %A 陈治宇 %J Aging Research %P 23-28 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AR.2024.111004 %X 随着我国人口老龄化现象的愈加严峻,我国老年人基数趋于庞大,我国正在探索具有中国特色的养老模式,努力从多种途径解决人口老龄化所带来的一系列问题,以完善我国的养老制度。本文将从我国的老龄化特点出发,针对我国养老模式所存在的现实问题,考察和借鉴国外的先进立法经验,以期能为我国的养老事业发展助力。
With the increasingly severe aging of the population in China, the number of elderly people in China is becoming larger. China is exploring elderly care models with Chinese characteristics, striving to solve a series of problems brought about by population aging through various channels, in order to improve China’s elderly care system. This article will start from the characteristics of aging in China, focus on the practical problems existing in China’s elderly care model, and examine and draw on advanced legislative experience from abroad, in order to provide assistance for the development of China’s elderly care industry. %K 老龄化,养老模式,立法思考
Aging %K Elderly Care Models %K Legislative Reflections %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80644