%0 Journal Article %T 积极老龄化背景下网络文化适老化建设路径
The Construction Path of Network Culture Adapting to Aging under the Background of Active Aging %A 温蕾铃 %J Aging Research %P 29-33 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AR.2024.111005 %X 当前,人口老龄化已成为影响人类社会发展的世界性问题,积极老龄化理念也成为了世界应对这一问题的基本观念,积极老龄化基于健康、参与、保障三支柱,倡导老年人社会参与。在数字和信息技术快速发展的时代,人们的生活和工作日益趋向智能化,在数字化和老龄化交织的背景下,老年群体逐步被数字和信息技术遗弃,老年人数字鸿沟正处于扩大趋势。因此,伴随着网络发展起来的网络文化要不断创新,无形中推动老年群体数字素养的提升,提高老年群体的社会参与度,以此弥合老年人数字素养鸿沟,积极应对老龄化困境。
Currently, population aging has become a global issue affecting the development of human society, and the concept of active aging has become the basic concept for the world to address this issue. Active aging is based on the three pillars of health, participation, and security, advocating for the social participation of the elderly. In the era of rapid development of digital and information technology, people’s lives and work are increasingly becoming intelligent. Against the backdrop of the interweaving of digitization and aging, the elderly population is gradually being abandoned by digital and information technology, and the digital divide among the elderly is expanding. Therefore, with the development of the internet, the network culture needs to constantly innovate, invisibly promote the improvement of digital literacy among the elderly population, increase their social participation, so as to bridge the digital literacy gap among the elderly and actively respond to the challenges of aging. %K 积极老龄化,老年人,网络文化适老化建设
Active Aging %K The Elderly %K Construction of Network Culture Adapting to Aging %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80647