%0 Journal Article %T 金庸笔下《鹿鼎记》中的非典型类侠客描写——对韦小宝角色成功塑造的人文解读
A Portrayal of an Atypical Hero in Jin Yong’s The Deer and The Cauldron—A Humanistic Interpretation of the Successful Portrayal of Wei Xiaobao’s Character %A 吴越 %J World Literature Studies %P 1-7 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2024.121001 %X 金庸花费毕生心血共撰写了十四部武侠小说,创造了诸多令无数读者念念不忘的经典角色,如张无忌、令狐冲、袁承志、杨过、韦小宝、郭靖、乔峰等,其中《鹿鼎记》主角韦小宝武功平平且浑身市井无赖之气,以与固有印象里古道侠肠、豪气干云的侠客迥乎不同的独特形象登场,却最终成就一番事业,立下不世之功。韦小宝之形象塑造可谓特立独行,却引发无数人的情绪共鸣,成功收获广大读者的喜爱。这不禁令人深思。本文通过从成长经历、社会交往、人际关系、性格特点、道德观与价值观等方面对韦小宝进行分析,对这一非典型类侠客角色的成功塑造背后的原因进行人文解读。
Jin Yong (Louis Cha) devoted his whole life to writing fourteen martial arts novels, creating many classic characters that countless readers will never forget, such as Zhang Wuji, Linghu Chong, Yuan Chengzhi, Yang Guo, Wei Xiaobao, Guo Jing, Qiao Feng, etc. Among them, the protagonist of The Deer and The Cauldron, Wei Xiaobao, is mediocre in martial arts and exudes a sense of being a scoundrel in the marketplace. He debuted with a unique image that was completely different from the traditional chivalrous and heroic Xiake in his impression, but ultimately achieved a career and made outstanding achievements. The portrayal of Wei Xiaobao can be described as unique, but it has sparked emotional resonance among countless people and successfully gained the love of a large number of readers. This is thought-provoking. This paper analyzes Wei Xiaobao from many aspects such as growth experience, social interaction, interpersonal relationships, personality traits, moral and values, and provides a humanistic interpretation of the reasons behind the successful portrayal of this atypical hero character. %K 金庸,武侠小说,韦小宝,非典型侠客
Louis Cha %K Martial Arts Fiction %K Wei Xiaobao %K Atypical Xiake %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80552