%0 Journal Article %T 弗洛伊德人格理论下的《月亮与六便士》人物矛盾分析
An Analysis of Character Contradictions in The Moon and Sixpence under Freud’s Theory of Personality %A 戚新哲 %J World Literature Studies %P 8-13 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2024.121002 %X 对英国小说家毛姆的代表作《月亮与六便士》的研究多数聚焦于主人公及其原型、叙事风格和现实意义。精神分析文学批评理论是二十世纪西方文论中一股十分独特的力量。其中弗洛伊德的人格理论,对解读该作品中斯特里克兰夫妇和勃朗什所呈现出的矛盾性,探究人物多元个性背后的人格斗争因素,与人格矛盾和社会的复杂关系,具有重要指导意义。斯特里克兰从伦敦到塔西提岛的历程,本质上是本我与超我不断斗争的过程。斯特里克兰太太与勃朗什的人物命运和结局,也与她们各自人格冲突中本我与超我的地位重组有密切联系。
Most of the studies on Maugham’s masterpiece The Moon and Sixpence focus on the protagonist and its archetype, narrative style and realistic significance. The theory of psychoanalytic criticism is a very unique force among Western critical theories in the 20th century. Freud’s personality theory has important guiding significance for interpreting the contradiction presented by Stricklands and Blanche in the work, exploring the personality struggle factors behind the characters’ multiple personalities, and the complex relationship between personality contradictions and society. Strickland’s journey from London to Tahiti is essentially a constant struggle between id and superego. The fate and ending of the characters of Mrs. Strickland and Blanche are also closely related to the status reorganization of id and superego in their personality conflicts. %K 精神分析法,《月亮与六便士》,人格矛盾
Psychoanalytic Criticism %K The Moon and Sixpence %K Personality Contradiction %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80553