%0 Journal Article %T 《二十四诗品》象喻思维的道家思想渊源研究
A Study on the Origin of Taoist Thought of Image-Metaphor Thinking in the Twenty-Four Modes of Poetry %A 徐静 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 73-78 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121012 %X 《二十四诗品》是一部诗歌理论著作,其诗论中道家思想的显现是经久不衰的研究热点。“象喻”是古代文论的思维特性,目前从象喻思维着手,解读《诗品》与道家思想关联的成果尚处于起步阶段。本文试图从象喻的滥觞、象喻的思维方式及象喻对道家思想的吸收三个方面论述《二十四诗品》的审美特征,以期对《二十四诗品》相关研究有所裨益。
The Twenty-Four Modes of Poetry is a work of poetry theory, and the manifestation of Taoist thought in its poetry theory has been a hot research topic for a long time. “Image-metaphor” is the thinking characteristic of ancient literary theory. At present, it is still in the initial stage to interpret the relation between The Twenty-Four Modes of Poetry and Taoism from image-metaphor thinking. This paper attempts to discuss the aesthetic characteristics of The Twenty-Four Modes of Poetry from three aspects: the origin of the metaphor, the thinking mode of the metaphor and the absorption of the metaphor to Taoist thought, in order to make some contributions to the related research of the 24 Poems. %K 《二十四诗品》,象喻,道家,意象
The Twenty-Four Modes of Poetry %K Image-Metaphor %K Taoists %K Image %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80663