%0 Journal Article %T R-Factor Analysis of Data Based on Population Models Comprising R- and Q-Factors Leads to Biased Loading Estimates %A Andr¨¦ Beauducel %J Open Journal of Statistics %P 38-54 %@ 2161-7198 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojs.2024.141002 %X Effects of performing an R-factor analysis of observed variables based on population models comprising R- and Q-factors were investigated. Although R-factor analysis of data based on a population model comprising R- and Q-factors is possible, this may lead to model error. Accordingly, loading estimates resulting from R-factor analysis of sample data drawn from a population based on a combination of R- and Q-factors will be biased. It was shown in a simulation study that a large amount of Q-factor variance induces an increase in the variation of R-factor loading estimates beyond the chance level. Tests of the multivariate kurtosis of observed variables are proposed as an indicator of possible Q-factor variance in observed variables as a prerequisite for R-factor analysis. %K R-Factor Analysis %K Q-Factor Analysis %K Loading Bias %K Model Error %K Multivariate Kurtosis %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=131145