%0 Journal Article %T 基于湛江对虾下脚料水解产物抗氧化活性优化酶解工艺
Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Process Based on Antioxidant Activity of Hydrolyzed Products from Offal of Penaeus Zhanjiang %A 梁铭豪 %A 钟秋琼 %A 徐烨 %A 张世奇 %J Hans Journal of Food and Nutrition Science %P 69-82 %@ 2166-6121 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJFNS.2024.131010 %X 通过提高湛江对虾下脚料水解产物的抗氧化活性,对湛江对虾下脚料的酶解工艺进行优化。以DPPH自由基清除率、羟自由基清除率和还原力为指标,筛选得到最佳蛋白酶并鉴定湛江对虾下脚料水解产物具有抗氧化性,然后通过单因素试验和响应面试验确定湛江对虾下脚料的最适酶解条件。结果表明:最佳蛋白酶为中性蛋白酶,湛江对虾下脚料水解产物具有抗氧化性,酶解的最优工艺为温度45℃、pH 7.5、加酶量11,000 U/g,所得的酶解液的DPPH自由基清除率为71.47%、羟自由基清除率为91.54%、还原力吸光值为2.16。
The enzymatic hydrolysis process of Penaeus Zhanjiang offal was optimized by improving the antioxidant activity of hydrolyzed products from offal of Penaeus Zhanjiang. Using DPPH radical scavenging rate, hydroxyl radical scavenging rate and reducing power as indexes, the optimal protease was screened and the antioxidant activity of the hydrolyzed product of Penaeus Zhanjiang offal was identified. Then, the optimal enzymatic hydrolysis conditions of Penaeus Zhanjiang offal were determined by single factor test and response surface test. The results show that: the optimal protease was neutral protease, and the hydrolyzed product from the offal of Penaeus Zhanjiang had antioxidant activity. The optimal enzymatic hydrolysis process was 45?C, pH 7.5 and enzyme dosage of 11,000 U/g. The DPPH free radical scavenging rate and hydroxyl free radical scavenging rate of the obtained enzymatic hydrolysis solution were 71.47%, 91.54% and 2.16. %K 湛江对虾,酶解工艺,响应面,抗氧化活性
Penaeus Zhanjiang %K Enzymatic Hydrolysis Process %K Response Surfaces %K Antioxidant Activity %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80741