%0 Journal Article %T 论阿尔都塞对马克思与黑格尔辩证法关系的解读
On Althusser’s Interpretation of the Relationship between Marx and Hegel’s Dialectics %A 赵鑫蕊 %J Advances in Philosophy %P 255-261 %@ 2169-2602 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.132039 %X 如何理解马克思辩证法和黑格尔辩证法的关系,一直是国内理论界研究的重要问题。马克思本人并未有过专门论述辩证法的著作,以致后来学者对辩证法所涉及的“颠倒”概念难以达成一致的解读。在近代辩证法发展的历程中,“颠倒”问题作为马克思辩证法中的重要问题,如何理解“颠倒”概念是厘清马克思与黑格尔二者之间辩证法的关系的关键。阿尔都塞从辩证法本身去研析辩证法的性质,在反对以往传统观点对于“颠倒”概念的解读的基础上,推演出马克思辩证法时所呈现的“颠倒”的内在本质。
How to understand the relationship between Marx’s dialectics and Hegel’s dialectics has always been an important issue in domestic theoretical circles. Marx himself did not have a special treatise on dialectics, so later scholars on dialectics involved in the concept of “upside down” difficult to reach a consensus interpretation. In the course of the development of modern dialectics, the prob-lem of “inversion” is an important issue in Marx’s dialectics. How to understand the concept of “in-version” is the key to clarify the dialectic relationship between Marx and Hegel. Althusser studied the nature of dialectics from its own point of view, and on the basis of opposing the traditional in-terpretation of the concept of “upside down”, he performed the internal nature of “upside down” presented in Marx’s dialectics. %K “颠倒”,阿尔都塞,辩证法,马克思
“Upside Down” %K Althusser %K Dialectics %K Marx %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80800