%0 Journal Article %T 光伏直驱空气源热泵双介质暖风机运行实验研究
Experiment Study of a Photovoltaic Direct-Drive Air Source Heat Pump with Two Fans Using Different Media %A 刘卓 %A 颜丽娟 %A 蔡琼瑜 %A 岳晋辉 %A 马志军 %A 刘璋 %A 马坤茹 %J Advances in Energy and Power Engineering %P 15-26 %@ 2328-0506 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AEPE.2024.121003 %X 随着“双碳”愿景的提出,太阳能光伏直驱空气源热泵的研究在不断深入。为验证太阳能光伏直驱空气源热泵与热水供暖、制冷系统联合运行的可行性,搭建了具有双介质暖风机的光伏直驱空气源热泵系统,对石家庄市鹿泉区某独立建筑进行供暖、制冷,实时记录系统能耗。利用DeST软件模拟该建筑全年冷、热负荷,阐述系统运行模式及性能评价方法,与其他供暖、制冷方式进行能耗对比。研究得出该系统较电暖气采暖节省运行费用79.66%,较普通空气源热泵、光伏直驱空气源热泵全年运行能耗降低15.45%,市电消耗量分别降低57.77%、26.79%。搭载双介质暖风机的光伏直驱空气源热泵系统可行、节能效果明显、经济效益显著,双介质系统避免室外循环管路受低温影响冻结,并具有进一步提升效率的可行性。
With the introduction of the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, research on photovoltaic direct-drive air source heat pumps has been expanding. To investigate the feasibility of photovoltaic direct-drive air source heat pumps for simultaneous heating, cooling, and hot water provision, a new system with heaters having two different heat transfer media was built in a separate building in Luquan District, Shijiazhuang City. The real-time energy consumption of the system was recorded. Simulate the annual cooling and heating loads of this building using DeST software; describe the operation mode and performance evaluation method of the new system; compare the energy consumption with other heating and cooling methods. The study concludes that the system reduces operating costs by 79.66% compared to electric heating. The new system reduces annual operating energy consumption by 15.45% compared to ordinary air source heat pumps and photovoltaic direct-drive air source heat pumps, and reduces grid consumption by 57.77% and 26.79%, respectively. The feasibility of the new system is evident with a significant energy-saving impact and noticeable economic benefits. The new system effectively prevents outdoor circulating pipelines from freezing due to low temperatures thereby increasing efficiency. %K 通风与空调工程,光伏,空气源热泵,供暖,供冷,节能
Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering %K Photovoltaics %K Air Source Heat Pumps %K Heating,Cooling %K Energy-Saving %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80859