%0 Journal Article %T 电影《怨女》对小说《怨女》苍凉意味的消解
The Dissolution of the Desolation Meaning of the Novel “The Resentful Girl” by the Movie “The Resentful Girl” %A 刘丽丽 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 85-89 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121014 %X 张爱玲小说因其传奇的故事性、强烈的画面感、电影表现手法的运用,具有改编成电影的先天优势。另一方面,其小说独特的叙述方式及语言风格、对人物个性心理的描述、浓厚的苍凉意味等特质,亦成为其电影化的一大屏障。本文通过对小说《怨女》和电影《怨女》的比较分析,揭示电影《怨女》对小说《怨女》苍凉意味的消解,进而探究文字与电影两种不可被互换的成分。倡导改编应力求避免对原著的误读。对于不可避免的情况,也要给予客观公允的评价。
Zhang Ailing’s novels have inherent advantages in being adapted into movies due to their legendary storytelling, strong visual appeal, and the use of film expression techniques. On the other hand, the unique narrative style and language style of his novels, the description of the personality and psychology of the characters, and the strong sense of desolation have also become a major barrier to his cinematization. This article compares and analyzes the novel “The Bitterness” and the movie “The Bitterness”, revealing the deconstruction of the desolate meaning of the novel “The Bitterness” by the movie “The Bitterness”, and further explores the two non-interchangeable elements of text and film. Advocating for adaptation should strive to avoid misreading the original work. For inevitable situations, an objective and fair evaluation should also be given. %K 《怨女》,苍凉,消解,温情,张爱玲