%0 Journal Article %T “千锤百炼,斑彩熠熠”——铜与火的时空艺术,斑铜当代传承之路
“A Thousand Hammers, a Thousand Colours”—The Art of Copper and Fire in Time and Space, the Path of Contemporary Inheritance of Spotted Copper %A 刘莉 %A 杜兵 %A 张方迟 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 90-95 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121015 %X 云南斑铜作为国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目之一,具有特殊的艺术、文化和经济价值。该工艺品被誉为金属宝石,为我国云南特有金属铜加工而成。为了带动云南省区域内的产业化发展,带动居民就业以及国家非物质文化遗产的传承和民族文化创造力的彰显,本文将着重从技艺传承、市场发展、痛点前景等方面进行分析,并提出相应的对策为斑铜打开一条当代传承之路。
As one of the representative items of national intangible cultural heritage, Yunnan Spotted Copper has special artistic, cultural and economic values. The crafts are known as metal jewellery, processed from copper, a unique metal in Yunnan Province of China. In order to drive the industrialisation development in the region of Yunnan Province, promote the employment of residents as well as the inheritance of national intangible cultural heritage and the manifestation of national cultural creativity, this paper will focus on the analysis from the inheritance of skills, market development, pain point prospects, and put forward corresponding countermeasures for the zebu copper to open up a contemporary inheritance road. %K 云南会泽,斑铜技艺,国家级非物质文化遗产
Yunnan Huize %K Zebu Copper Technique %K National Intangible Cultural Heritage %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80838