%0 Journal Article %T 基于数据包络法的软件开发模式绩效分析评价
Analysis and Evaluation for the Performance of Software Development Model Based on DEA %A 赵培杰 %J Computer Science and Application %P 200-206 %@ 2161-881X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CSA.2024.142020 %X 本文将商务软件项目依照开发周期长短分为短期项目和中长期项目两类,通过采用数据包络法针对不同软件开发方式中的各项投入与产出因素进行项目绩效分析。研究结果显示,直瀑式与敏捷式软件开发方式在相对效率上并无较大差异,敏捷模式开发方式在导入初期阶段,较难马上取得成效并替代瀑布式开发方式,需要经历一段内部磨合期,才能够稳定运行,并取代既有的直瀑式开发方式。另外,短期项目相对效率远高于中长期项目,建议将中长期项目拆分为不同阶段进行,以避免项目变更或其他因素造成风险,影响最后项目交付质量。
In this paper, business software projects are divided into short-term projects and medium and long-term projects according to the length of development cycle. By using Data Envelopment Analysis, project performance analysis is conducted on various input and output factors in different soft-ware development methods. The results show that there is no significant difference in the relative efficiency between the straight waterfall and agile software development model. It is worth noting that the agile model in the initial stage of import is difficult to immediately achieve results and re-place the waterfall development model. It needs to go through a period of internal running in period to operate stably and replace the waterfall development model. In addition, the relative efficiency of short-term projects is much higher than that of medium and long-term projects, so it is recommended to split medium and long-term projects into different stages to avoid risks caused by project changes or other factors, which may affect the final project delivery quality. %K 数据包络法,软件开发方式,项目绩效分析
Data Envelopment Analysis %K Software Development Model %K Project Performance Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80881