%0 Journal Article %T 道济禅师的双重形象:疯僧与菩萨
Master Daoji’s Dual Image: Mad Monk and Bodhisattva %A 苏培源 %A 孟领 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 96-100 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121016 %X 在中国佛教历史上,南宋道济禅师是一位特立独行的和尚。他既是一位破衣烂衫喝酒吃肉的疯和尚,同时也是万众信仰的活菩萨。我们从道济禅师的出身、性格、经历以及佛教戒律等不同角度,探讨他的双重形象及其内在根据。
In the history of Chinese Buddhism, Master Daoji of the Southern Song Dynasty was a monk who stood out for his distinctive behavior. He was not only a mad monk who wore tattered clothes, drank alcohol, and consumed meat, but also a living Bodhisattva revered by the masses. This study explores the dual image of Master Daoji and its underlying basis from various perspectives, including his background, personality, experiences, and adherence to Buddhist precepts. %K 道济禅师,菩萨信仰,佛教戒律
Master Daoji %K Bodhisattva Devotion %K Buddhist Precepts %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80860