%0 Journal Article %T 河南宜阳方言(白杨话)音系和演变规律研究
A Study on the Phonology and Evolution Rules of Henan (河南) Yiyang (宜阳) Dialect (Baiyang (白杨) Dialect) %A 李瑞琳 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 101-110 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121017 %X 宜阳县位于河南省西部,隶属洛阳市。本文聚焦宜阳县下辖的白杨镇,基于田野调查,收集、归纳宜阳方言(白杨话)的声韵调系统。宜阳方言(白杨话)有23个声母(包括零声母),40个韵母(不包括儿化韵),4个声调(不包括轻声和变调)。此外,本文还通过比较宜阳方言(白杨话)与中古音的异同,总结宜阳方言(白杨话)的发展演变规律。
Yiyang (宜阳) County is located in the western part of Henan (河南) Province and is part of the Luoyang (洛阳) City. This article focuses on Baiyang (白杨) Town under the jurisdiction of Yiyang (宜阳) County. Based on field surveys, it collects and summarizes the initials, finals and tones of Yiyang (宜阳) dialect (Baiyang (白杨) dialect). Yiyang (宜阳) dialect (Baiyang (白杨) dialect) has 23 initials (including zero initials), 40 finals (excluding Erhua), and 4 tones (excluding neutral tone and tone sandhi). In addition, this article also summarizes the development and evolution rules of Yiyang (宜阳) dialect (Baiyang (白杨) dialect) by comparing the similarities and differences between Yiyang (宜阳) dialect (Baiyang (白杨) dialect) and the medieval pronunciation. %K 宜阳方言,音系,演变规律
Yiyang (宜阳) Dialect %K Phonology %K Evolution Rules %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=80861