%0 Journal Article %T 唐传奇爱情主题中的分离模式探究
A Study on the Separated Mode in the Love Theme of Tang Legend %A 张璐 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 123-133 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121020 %X 唐传奇作为与唐诗齐名的文学形式,是中国文学史的重要组成部分。唐传奇中最具有代表性的便是爱情主题的叙写,曲折离奇的爱情故事可以触动读者内心,分分合合的恋爱模式可以令读者动容。本篇就唐传奇爱情主题中的分离模式进行探究,从分离模式的源流、类型、成因入手进行分析,运用文史结合法、对比分析法与宏观微观相结合的方法探究唐代爱情传奇中的分离模式类型,讨论婚恋传奇分离模式存在发展的必要性。
As an important part of the history of Chinese literature, the legend of Tang Dynasty is a peak in the history of Chinese novels. The most representative of the Tang legend is the narration of the theme of love. Tortuous plots can touch the heart of the reader, and the love pattern of separation and combination can make the reader moved. This article explores the separated mode in the love theme of the Tang legend, starting with the analysis of the origin, type, and cause of the separated mode, using the combination of literature and history, comparative analysis and the combination of macro and micro to explore the separation in love legends in the Tang Dynasty, discussing the necessity of the development of the separated mode of love legends. %K 唐传奇,爱情传奇,分离模式
Tang Legend %K Love Legend %K Separated Mode %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81042