%0 Journal Article %T 宋代男子簪花现象研究
The Study on the Phenomenon of Men Wearing Hairpins with Flowers in Song Dynasty %A 隆文娜 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 140-146 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CnC.2024.121022 %X 宋代男子簪花是中国历史上一幕有趣的文化现象。宋代男子簪花沿袭前代簪花习俗,但较前代有几大突出变化,一是簪花主体的全民化,二是簪花场合的增多,三是所簪之花的种类增加。造成这一现象的原因包括趋吉辟邪心理和以俗为美的审美观念的兴起,以及前代簪花习俗的影响。而另一最为重要的原因,则是由于统治者大力提倡的政治原因。宋代统治者受“皇权至上”的思想观念的影响,将簪花作为控制臣子的方法,通过试探、警醒臣子,不断强化皇权的独尊地位。通过官方的大力提倡,簪花风气流传到民间,最终达到了全民簪花的盛况。宋代男子簪花现象的出现,可谓是古代政治文化影响其他层面文化的一大例证。
Men wearing hairpins with flowers in the Song Dynasty was an interesting cultural phenomenon in Chinese history. Men in the Song Dynasty followed the custom of wearing hairpins in the previous dynasties, but there are several major changes compared with the previous generation. First, the subject of hairpins became popular among the people, secondly, the number of occasions for hairpins increased, and thirdly, the types of flowers used for hairpins increased. The reasons for this phenomenon include the rise of the psychology of seeking good fortune and warding off evil spirits, the aesthetic concept of taking vulgarity as beauty, and the influence of the custom of hairpins in previous generations. The other most important reason is the political reasons strongly promoted by the rulers. Influenced by the ideological concept of “imperial supremacy”, the rulers of the Song Dynasty used hairpins as a method to control their ministers. They constantly strengthened the exclusive status of imperial power by testing and alerting their ministers. Through the strong promotion of the official, the custom of hairpins spread to the people, and finally reached the stage where all the people wore hairpins. The emergence of the phenomenon of men wearing hairpins in the Song Dynasty can be said to be a major example of the influence of ancient political culture on other levels of culture. %K 宋代,男子簪花,“皇权至上”,政治文化
Song Dynasty %K Men Wearing Hairpins with Flowers %K “Imperial Power Is Supreme” %K Political Culture %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81046