%0 Journal Article %T 基于OpenCV的运动控制与自动追踪系统设计与实现
Design and Implementation of Motion Control and Automatic Tracking System Based on OpenCV %A 冯晔 %A 周瑾萱 %A 谭鑫 %A 严浪 %J Computer Science and Application %P 224-232 %@ 2161-881X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/CSA.2024.142023 %X 为了实现位置控制与自动追踪的目的,本研究采用软硬结合的方法,设计了一套运动目标控制系统与自动追踪系统。该系统由嵌入式开发板树莓派4B、嵌入式计算机视觉平台OpenCV、摄像头模块、按键模块、二维舵机云台和激光笔构成,将嵌入式开发板、计算机视觉平台、传感器等硬件设备与相应的控制算法结合,形成一个完整的系统。系统通过摄像头模块采集图像信息,并对图像数据进行处理。将运动目标控制和自动追踪功能融合到一个系统中,利用PID算法精确控制舵机,实现激光笔的光点在屏幕上按照目标要求进行移动。本系统实现了激光笔光点的运动目标控制和自动追踪功能,其中包括一键复位功能、沿正方形移动、沿A4纸边缘移动以及自动追踪激光等功能。为了使自动追踪系统功能更加稳定,运动控制系统采取了较低速度的匀速运动,并且可以通过按键选择各个测试模式。
In order to realize the purpose of position control and automatic tracking, a moving target control system and an automatic tracking system are designed by combining soft and hard methods. The system is composed of embedded development board Raspberry PI 4B, embedded computer vision platform OpenCV, camera module, key module, two-dimensional steering gear head and laser pointer. The embedded development board, computer vision platform, sensor and other hardware devices are combined with corresponding control algorithms to form a complete system. The sys-tem collects image information through the camera module and processes the image data. The moving target control and automatic tracking functions are integrated into one system, and PID algorithm is used to precisely control the steering gear, so that the laser pointer spot moves on the screen according to the target requirements. The system realizes the moving target control and au-tomatic tracking function of the laser pointer spot, including one-key reset function, moving along the square, moving along the edge of A4 paper and automatic tracking laser. In order to make the automatic tracking system function more stable, the motion control system adopts a lower speed of uniform motion, and each test mode can be selected by pressing a button. %K 机器视觉,运动控制,目标追踪,PID算法
Machine Vision %K Motion Control %K Target Tracking %K PID Algorithm %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81094