%0 Journal Article %T 环境共治视角下公民生态环境行为的影响因素研究——一项基于结构方程模型的分析
Research on Influencing Factors of Citizens’ Ecological Environment Behavior from the Perspective of Environmental Co-Governance—An Analysis Based on Structural Equation Model %A 唐家辉 %A 张宇 %J Operations Research and Fuzziology %P 330-341 %@ 2163-1530 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ORF.2024.141032 %X 环境共治视角下公众生态环境行为不仅是环境冲突治理工具的重要补充,更是实现环境公平的有效途径。基于2010年中国综合社会调查(CGSS2010)数据,采用结构方程模型考察了环境共治视角下环境主动关心、环保贡献意愿、大众传媒、环境风险感知对公民生态环境行为的影响机制。结果表明:环境共治视角下公民生态环境行为的影响因素具有多元化特征;环境风险感知对公民生态环境行为的影响更为显著;不同于以往研究,大众传媒对公民生态环境行为存在着显著的负向影响;公民公/私域生态环境行为呈现显著性差异。基于研究结论,提出优化政府前瞻性治理能力、强化环境风险教育、建立公民同官方传媒的信任机制,倡导公共理性的政策建议。
From the perspective of environmental co-governance, public ecological environment behavior is not only an important supplement to environmental conflict governance tools, but also an effective way to achieve environmental equity. Based on the data of China General Social Survey 2010 (CGSS2010), this paper investigates the influence mechanism of active environmental care, willingness to contribute to environmental protection, mass media and environmental risk perception on citizens’ ecological and environmental behavior from the perspective of environmental co-governance by using structural equation model. The results show that the influencing factors of citizens’ ecological environment behavior from the perspective of environmental co-governance have diversified characteristics; Environmental risk perception has a more significant impact on citizens’ ecological environment behavior; Different from previous studies, mass media has a significant negative impact on citizens’ ecological environment behavior; There are significant differences in citizens’ ecological and environmental behaviors in public/private domains. Based on the conclusion of the study, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions, such as optimizing the government’s forward-looking governance ability, strengthening environmental risk education, establishing the trust mechanism between citizens and official media, and advocating public rationality. %K 环境共治,公民生态环境行为,影响因素,结构方程模型
Environmental Co-Governance %K Citizens’ Ecological Environmental Behavior %K Affecting Factors %K Structural Equation Model %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81160